[QUOTE]I was running a Yamaha RX-V3000 with a Parasound 2205 amp
I have a Yamaha RX-V2095 and a Parasound 2205. I've wondered about what diferences I would find if I switched to the Outlaw 950 - ie - Is is a definite improvement, mostly the same, or worse sounding than the Yamaha as a pre/pro? I'm not talking about add'l features, or the noise floor problem - Just your gut impression of what level of improvement in 2 channel and HT the 950 brings. Is it an improvement on the scale of adding a Parasound 2205 to the your Yamaha receiver? Do you finf that you miss any of the Yamaha soundfields?
Sorry for the question blitz - I'm interested in your first impressions of the 950 as a Yamaha RX-V300 replacement.
Thanks in advance.