Two channel and multichannel audio via the direct inputs is pure... purely outstanding. Incredibly, audio clarity is comparable to that of using my Senn HD-600 headphones directly from the Sony 555es's headphone output. It is cleaner than the Ref 30, that I previously owned, without any loss of detail, imaging or soundstage depth and width. There is no grain, no noise.
In conclusion, I am buying my 950 and the only way anyone is gonna get my beta2 unit from me is if they pry it from "my cold dead hands" OR simply send me another 950.
I have owned several dedicated 2 channel systems which were anchored by a Audible Illusions Mod 3 preamp and another one which used a Classe A preamp. My favorite of these two preamps was the AI Mod 3 but comparing it to the Outlaw 950 is like comparing apples and oranges. Both taste good, but very differently. Since the AI is a tubed unit, it is more musical while still being detailed. The sound of the 950 rely's solely on the source media. Analog sounds like analog, digital like digital. Other than the Cal Audio CL-2500 processor, the 950 is about the best pre-pro that I've tried for music playback. I have not tried other expensive pre-pros like Tag or Integra or Krell, however, I don't think even Outlaw would hope to target buyers of those products.
As for me, I found the Outlaw 950/Sony P9K/Outlaw ICBM($1700) trio to be the best sounding, best performing combination for both music and HT under $3000. Sonically, the Anthem AVM-20 comes close, but MC SACD playback with my trio was superior, IMO.
Will: Most of the dealers in my area are still trying to sell Rotel's last pre-pro and refuse to order any unless you pre-pay, full MSRP, in advance.
I simply cannot imagine why anyone would buy this unit, rather than the Outlaw 950, unless they simply can't wait for the Outlaw, are not on the pre-order list for the Outlaw, or just dislike Outlaw very strongly.
As for 7 channel discrete processing, the Outlaw can direct discrete signals to each channel but there just isn't any media which comes encoded that way. What Logic 7-like processing does the Rotel use to produce 7 discrete channels?
Merc-some past reviews you wrote about the 950......

[This message has been edited by tommy2811 (edited July 02, 2002).]