Originally posted by Jeremy:
As far as a good ABX test that is unbiased and performed by those who appreciate the nuances of audio reproduction, I just got finished looking through a back issue of Home Theater Magazine ...

I remember reading that article a few years ago. I could be sorely mistaken, but I don't remember it being a double-blind, ABX, scientific test. It more was of the "gee this cable sounded better than that one variety".


In the tests that I performed, ... Would this not constitute an ABX double blind test?

No it does not. For an ABX DB test, neither the subjects nor the 'switcher/tester' are aware of which cables are which, or what changes are made. The X also represents a control choice, which I believe can vary according to test design. It could be a third cable, or just a repeat of A or B.
For a true ABX DB test, you would run a series of trials, where you try to identify differences in the cables. If you can hear a difference between the two, say one is brighter than the other, you would try to pick the 'brighter' one in each run. Cable switching must be nearly instantaneous (not someone going back and changing them around). If you are able to identify a single cable reliably (better than by pure chance) under these conditions, you may have identified a true difference in cabling. Just saying X sounds better than Y after swapping them doesn't prove anything.


I personally have very keen hearing and have been able to pass every yearly hearing test I have for my work with flying colors.

No offense, but many people in audio/video feel they have better than average hearing. It's like driving skills. Go poll a whole bunch of people about whether they are average, above or below average drivers. The vast majority think they are above average, which is obviously impossible!
It's kind of like this: approximately 1/3 of all humans ever born are alive today. Therefore, you have a 33% chance of never dying, right


And as my dad likes to say, "Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one!"

... and most of 'em stink


I try to keep an open mind and take the time to listen for differences in sound reproduction and quality in different products, including wires.

As for keeping an open mind, try out a true DB ABX test someday, and see if you can still tell the difference between different wires.

As an aside, speaker wires are in a _slightly_ different category (although many audiophile cables are still ridiculous). Speaker wires tend to carry much higher power signals, over longer runs than interconnects. So, using 24 gauge wire between your 400 wpc amp for a 40 foot run to a speaker probably isn't a good idea. But, 12 gauge Home Depot wire is more than sufficient.