Hi Tom G: As best I can tell, you are a kind soul who has decided that his previous experience biases, regardless of where they are placed, regardless of how valueable those experiences are, are in fact irrlevent, and need to be discarded in your decision process.

As much as you might believe so, I do not agree, even in your case. In fact, I now believe that you are even more aware of those preconceived opinions and are over-reacting for those thoughts while you might listen, test and judge.?

I believe that KNOWING that you might be pregidiced against a certain decision, either because of previous decisions or because of previous knowledge of a unit, actually makes you, or makes me, MORE sensitive to making sure that what I hear is actually "what I hear", and not what I expect to hear. Still... we are occasionally fooled, especially when the choices are close or the same. In that case... what is the problem with siding with the side which makes you personally happy, or is less expensive??? After all, I was not recommending that you try a costly silver cable, but instead... I was suggesting a low cost, high value, copper cable. Which incidendly, the 950 was possibly originally tested and designed with...?

Why in this case would anyone want to do a DBT ABX cable test???

As I mentioned previously, if revealing the truth is your goal... then you probably don't ever want to deal with ART or MUSIC. Both of those are highly subjective and personal in nature.
Take Care,
merc\'s primary system