Hi Merc,

I generally leave most of these types of cable threads alone…I’ve yet to see a convert born for either perspective during an on-line discussion!

I have participated and argued for both causes as my post above indicates. My purpose for sharing my personal experience was to provide an alternative view to this debate. Some may find it relevant, others may consider it the babbling of an audio burnout (I was called this by several retailers when I quit finding discernible differences in esoteric cables). In addition, I’ve been accosted by various audiophiles for not sharing their beliefs regarding the sonic effects of these cables. Seems that when you switch sides you forfeit all credibility…

Many of my friends that are into audio still pursue various esoteric cables to enhance their systems. They know I no longer do and we have no conflict with each other’s personal practices or beliefs. We agree to disagree on the impact of these cables (among a few other things). Still we enjoy the hobby together…isn’t this why we’re all here?

As for a suggestion for altering a bright sounding system, I’ll always default to speaker and system setup as well as treating the acoustics of the room. Pretty generic stuff I know. For me, this has always provided the greatest real world results that I could easily quantify.

Best regards,
Tom Garcia


Thanks for your comments…they are appreciated!

[This message has been edited by TJG (edited June 30, 2002).]