Merc: of course there is an audible difference in gear. Never said that there wasn't. Comparably constructed, quality cables? Nope, sorry. I'd even go so far as to say that I would challenge anybody to tell the difference between OFC copper and silver (analogue) interconnects. I participated in blind tests covering a vast amount of pro gear,including interconnects, while auditioning equipment for new stages at Disney World. These tests were done using the finest testing instruments avalilable at the time (i.e. O-scopes, IVIE Anylizers, TEF for accoustics, etc.) Also subjective listening by a group of AE's that do this for a living. Results?: Tons of difference in gear. No discernable audible difference in quality interconnects.
But like I said before, if it sounds better to you if you throw more money at it, more power to you.
Damn, I guess I'm participating in this debate again after all. It is good fun, you know.