
I am concerned that Outlaw Audio is starting to stray from what I believe was its original vision and intent. Outlaw's success was all about communication.

What happened?

I believe Outlaw was established on the principle that it would offer customers a great product at a great price. Consumers of Outlaw products would have to take the leap of faith to order the product. Thus testimonials were the key to it all.

“I bought the 1050 and it is really cool!”
“If your into home theater, check out this website!”
“What a great deal and you can only get it on the net!”

It was all about communication!

Outlaw placed a bet that the early adopters would be impressed by the value proposition and the Net-centric style. Techies would try the product, like it (because, after all, it still is great gear for the money!) and tell their friends; truly "Buzz" marketing if ever I have seen it!

“No storefront.”
“No listening room.”
“No salesmen.”
“Ya’ just gotta hear it to believe! “


Even now, Outlaw relies heavily on inter-customer exchanges, corporate newsletters and press releases as its primary marketing tools. The monthly newsletters keep interest alive and stoke the consumer fire just enough to keep people hooked. These bulletin boards are one of Outlaw’s most critically effective marketing tools. They use these tools to maintain the buzz within the Outlaw consumer community. And it really works!

Think about it! How many companies can claim that their customers are so strongly invested that they are willing to write a letter like this?!

And, in my opinion, Outlaw Audio is letting it slip away!

After investing all the time and resources to build a substantial buzz within the Outlaw community, the Outlaws are just standing silently by while the buzz starts to get ugly.

No longer am I seeing gunslingers rushing to the defense of the company. These boards, once echoing with so much anticipatory buzz, are now smoldering with sedition. Many of the long-term wait-listers (like me) are losing hope.

We really want to remain hopeful and excited. We are very willing to forgive any of Outlaw’s shortcomings, if you will only COMMUNICATE.

Please let us know what is going on!

Thank you,
Santa Clara Jim

[This message has been edited by santaclarajim (edited June 20, 2002).]