I can live without DPL-II right now. I just want DD and DTS so I can enjoy my DVD's more.

Also, how many receivers for $500/$450 give you preouts for all channels? I already have a 5 channel amp. I bought that last summer. Plus with Outlaw you get a warrantied product with a 30-day return policy. How much receiver does $500 get you at the local brick & mortar? Shopping online is fine - you will get more receiver for the $500, but unlikely a warranty or return privileges.

Oh yeah, I also have 4 surround speakers hanging on the walls - also bought last year when I thought the 950 was fairly close to market.

Lastly I applaud Outlaw as well for the cheaper 7-channel amp to allow separates to compete price-wise with higher-end receivers. I think it is an excellent marketing strategy. It is similar to people on this forum who use the Parasound 855 amp with their 950. I also believe 7x200W is overkill for almost all situations. I have a conservatively rated 5x125W amp and the only time I have seen my clipping lights come on is when I was cranking it during the opening scene of Toy Story 2 and during the depth charges in U-571. For the mains I can see 200W, but for a surround speaker, I say too much.