Originally posted by werner52:
[b]dmeister I agree with this, however the VAST majority have apparently never had problems. If you as a company put out 100 pieces of product and have a failure rate of 1%, do you stop the production lines or do you just correct those 1% as they occur.[/B]

Well, I seriously doubt that they (or any company) would halt shipments with a 1% failure rate on an audio component, no matter what IS0 9k or TQM program they're on. Moreover, my impression was that not many people have actually received their 950s yet. (There is certainly a lot of people lamenting on this forum to that effect, anyway.) Consequently, if there has already been enough of those who have received one, and complained about the problem, to justify a quality investigation, the issue is most likely significant. And don't overlook the fact that some people will likely have the problem but not necessarily notice it under normal operating conditions.

I would agree with applejelly, however. Outlaw already delayed the initial product release of the 950 by several months. It certainly stands to reason that there might have been one or two other technical or manufacturing challenges that the engineers didn't overcome completely before kicking the 950 out the door to get the sales and marketing guys off their backs.