Didn't Outlaw say, though, that they had run out of MIPs with the processor they chose to use?
That would have been one thing I'd have changed if I had helped design the Model 950-- scrap the mediocre tuner and use the money saved on those parts to add more processing horsepower. Then they could have added DTS 24/96, and all the other user interface controls a lot have been clamoring for.
In fact, I'd have then raised the asking price about $50-60 bucks to finance the additional feature of easy user software upgradeability via a PC connection, and Flashable software.
But, again you know what they say about hindsight.

[This message has been edited by Dan Hitchman (edited June 19, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Dan Hitchman (edited June 19, 2002).]