
As you said, different strokes for different folks. I respect your opinion on this but I also retain the right to totally disagree with it. I don't find anything at all wrong with the buttons or knob. But, as you know, this is something that everyone can judge for themselves. I just don't want people to get the impression that the buttons or knobs are substandard or shoddy. They are not. However, your standards may be much higher than mine, even though the 950's build quality holds up nicely with other components I've used.

The important thing is how the 950 sounds - and the buttons and knobs have absolutely no effect on the quality of the sound. Rubberized or not, wiggly or not - nothing translates into sonic degradation.

And I will still state that the hiss on my 950 is no more than anything else I've listened to and non-existant in my real world conditions. I still don't consider maximum volume with your ear pressed against the speaker grille "real world listening." I still contend that if you hear hiss at normal volumes at normal listening distances then either (a) some is wrong with your individual 950 or (b) something else in your system is causing the hiss.

I have talked to enough people now who have used 950s (as well as my owm listening tests) to convince me of this.


My HT (latest update 04/17/02) Now includes Outlaw 950 and Outlaw 755

[This message has been edited by Robert A Fowkes (edited June 01, 2002).]

My HT - Updated 05/29/07