I am glad you wrote your opinion on the 950 buttons and knob... It gives people two sides of view.

I may completely disagree with you on this, but its good to know that the buttons and knobs don't have an effect on others.

Unfortunately they effect me. Here are my pet peeves with the buttons and knobs. The buttons wiggle. I can almost make a button press pushing on them sideways. They feel cheap to me as a result. At least my Audiotrons buttons, which are similar are rubber coated and press firmly. The knob is what I dislike most. I use the volume knob quite often. This rubberized monstrosity is a hunk of garbage IMHO. It lacks any "feel" to it. There is no weight to it. It feels hollow and has little resistance. I don't mind the rubbery part, just the knobs feel. Even my 500 buck Sony receiver 5 years ago had a WAY better volume control knob. Compared to the 1066 or the REF 30, it doesn't hold water.

Just my observations.