Well, I don't know how valuable it is for you folks to hear about bugs that will be fixed before they ship the product. If you heard that 100 things were corrected during beta, would you think it was a buggy product or that it is a well polished product?

But since we're all outlaws here...

The last things I reported were:

- On my unit, the VCR video input and output jacks are reversed. (The audio jacks are fine.)

- The 5-channel stereo mode sends music to the rear center speaker. This might actually be a feature(?) If you only have 5 speakers, you'd tell the 950 and it would turn off that rear output. And if you have 6 speakers, you'd never want to use the "5 Stereo" processing mode. Maybe they want the 950 to use all the available speakers? Or, maybe it's just a bug after all!

- The VFD Brightness and OSD Timeout settings are not saved when you do a hard power-off using the rear power switch.


[This message has been edited by JeffLH (edited February 26, 2002).]