2-3 weeks, eh? That makes sense, actually. That puts it in the latter half of February, and I got the feeling from the last newsletter that the first units would ship a week or so before the end of February and the last units and the last of the reservation units a few weeks later (into March).
Afterthought -- 2-3 weeks means that I'll have the new circuit in place and a good power protection unit in place before the 950 arrives (got a bad breaker replaced yesterday, but I'm going to get a dedicated 20a circuit put in for the stereo next week, and I ordered a Panamax Max 5100). Of course, my poor co-worker may go nuts waiting for me to loan him my 1050 to test drive -- he's hoping that his wife will let him buy it after he sets it up in their living room and tries it out, but the demo has to wait until I've got my 950 in my hands.
Gonk[This message has been edited by gonk (edited February 08, 2002).]