I got a tall Salamander unit that I'm very happy with, but a word of warning that I really hadn't considered before buying. The room is nicely carpeted, and the rack is in a niche off to the side. Although the casters on the Salamander rack are really solid, swinging the rack and its several hundred pounds of gear on a carpet is a real problem. I tried putting a piece of 1/4" masonite under it, but the weight cracked the masonite. I'm now thinking of pulling out the carpet in the niche and putting some industrial vinyl there, same color as the carpet. My point is just to think through the interaction of the floor, the rack, and the amount of equipment. The idea of a tall rack on casters for ease of access is a good one; but in my case, the rest needs some work.
Onkyo 886, Outlaw 7100, LFM-1
Allison Ones F/R
Gallo Nucleus Micros surrounds
Outlaw LCR center
LiteOn 5005 DVD recorder
Dual 1219 phono
Ion Tape2PC USB
Harmony 620
Samsung HLR5078W