If you want a real 19 inch relay rack (basically they're kinda ugly for living room) and you want to support your heavy amp, but not on the bottom, MIDDLE ATLANTIC and others have shelves which will hold over 100 pounds. I didn't want glass shelves for my "stuff" so in one installation at home I took a surplus 19" relay rack from a TV station ($35) and put "firring strips" on it and to those nailed with brads pannelling, available at any hdwe store. The outside corner trim. Varnished the raw trim. Total cost for the 74 inch steel rack which will hold hundreds of pounds [and, to which the wife doesn;t object] around $80...and it's all vertical so the footprint isn't wide.

and wife happy

Living Room:
5.1 Surround and 4channel inline room
990/7700/6-KEF-107s/LFM1 x 2/ SMS Awaiting Trinnov
Millenium dts decoder;Digital Director
Players: Tascam CD01U/SonyCX455 x 3/DV955/BDP83
Old Sony 60" SXRD TV
Zone 2 (also liv-Room: listening to music while Mrs watches TV): Crown SL2 preamp/D40 Amp/Stax Headphones
My "Man-cave":
4 channel-only inline room. No TV (thank heaven)!!!
990/755/4-KEF 107s
Tascam CD01U/dts decoder/digital director
Alesis 16x4x2 mixer
Recorders Alesis HD24/ML9600/Crown CX844s/SonyDAT/Tascam DA38
Ham Radio Shack (KB1STH) ICOM/Yaesu/Drakes x 3