I didn't have much time in the past few days so couldn't post an update but here's some now:

1. I noticed a slight but definite degredation in video quality when routing video sources through the 1050. The colors are more saturated when connecting the cable box coax(or R-W-Y) cable straight to the TV, and the S-video cable from the DVD straight to the TV. I really didn't have to spend $50 at Radio Shack to run this experiment but I'm glad it's done and over with.

2. So..just as the Outlaw tech had recommended, all audio sources go into the 1050, all video stays out of it.

3. I found the Radio Shack Digital sound meter better than the analog one. It doesn't eat batteries or anything, and the extra $10 is negligible, if you've sunk upwards of $3k into your HT gear. I'd much rather have the LCD display read out the DB reading, than have to eagle-eye the analog needle.

4. The AVIA Home Theater Setup CD was nice but maybe I was expecting more? Uncannily, all my speakers were set up right, that is, DB output from each was equal so I really didn't have to do anything except verify it.

5. I'm quite happy with the sound now, except that I need to turn up the 1050 to AT LEAST Volume Level 50 to hear the TV and 60 to enjoy a reasonable level of music reproduction. Is this just me, or across the board for everyone?

6. THREE of the speaker post connectors on the 1050 have already broken (the threads spin free). Either I should return the unit and wait for a week or two to have it repaired, or I just get banana plugs for all the speaker wires. I did the latter, today. Not happy about this though.

cheers, Deep