I have gotten everything to work - the VCR, DVD/CD player, CTV etc but now there's a problem. I have hooked up all the audio signals into the 1050 but not the video signals. For example, the DVD player has an S-video connector that I've linked to the S-video connector on the TV. The video signals from the VCR are going to the TV via the CTV cable.

The problem is that while everything works, I need to switch the audio source using the Outlaw remote, and switch the video source using the other remotes. Pain in the butt!

I have purchased an MX-500 Home Theater remote that I want to use to control everything with least amount of effort.

How can I accomplish this? Also, is there any advantage to plugging in video sources into the 1050? Or, is this the only way I can switch both audio/video sources simultaneously?