If you don't have it already, get onto the list for the "Sub Demo CD". This is a pipe organ I recorded that has 32 foot ranks of pipes that produce a very strong fundamental of 16Hz, with beat frequencies below that. It was recorded with a specially designed microphone mixer that responds down to near DC, a modified DAT recorder that also goes almost down to DC, and three spaced omni directional microphones that also have very extended low frequency response. I guarantee that you will not find a commercially available disc that has bass this extended and strong.

The E. Power Biggs disc, as impressive as it is was recorded on analog tape, which depending on the tape speed would only have response down to 25Hz to 30Hz at the best.

This is one huge advantage of digital recording - it's unlimited low frequency response.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited January 27, 2004).]