Alright...I heard from Steve seems that the tech "found two blown fuses and a bad output transistor. In his opinion it was not a short circuit at the speaker terminals (as was thought) but simply a transistor that failed, taking the fuses along with it. Most dead channels are a result of accidental shorts, unfortunately failures like what you've experienced are rare but can happen. Your amp was put through the same battery of tests that a
new amp goes through after it was serviced to ensure that it meets spec for distortion, linearity, and bandwidth. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns."

I received excellent follow up to my questions, quick and thoughtful trouble shooting (hoping to avoid me sending the unit in for repair) and a quick turnaround of my amplifier. I am very happy with my treatment and hope none of you have to meet the Outlaws in this manner but if you do, I am confident your treatment would be the same.
Outlaw 1070***3 Klipsch Heresys Across the Front W/Crites CT-125 Tweeters***Klipsch KSP-S6***Oppo BDP-83***Outlaw LFM-1 Plus***
Panasonic SA-XR 57***Klipsch RB-5s***Klipsch RC-3***Outlaw Audio M8***

...Let the Movies and Music Play...