...of that I have no doubt...well, as I surmised...there is a separate fuse for each channel...Steve called me and emailed me about this...asked if I was comfortable enough to open the "patient" up as the 7100 is a pretty robust design and check the fuse...as the left main is the first fuse in the line...
I just got home from work, opened her up and...the left main fuse is burned inside... smile
...on my way to pick up a "T6.3L 250V" fuse...
Thanks all...I will report back the results but you already know how this story ends... wink
Outlaw 1070***3 Klipsch Heresys Across the Front W/Crites CT-125 Tweeters***Klipsch KSP-S6***Oppo BDP-83***Outlaw LFM-1 Plus***
Panasonic SA-XR 57***Klipsch RB-5s***Klipsch RC-3***Outlaw Audio M8***

...Let the Movies and Music Play...