I just purchased a 950/755/LFM-1...

I had been going back and forth between 100W and 200W senario... I was leaning towards the 7100 because I know I eventually wanted a 7.1 setup and even though I only had the speakers for a 5.1 setup.

After sitting down with my wife, yes my wife, we talked about what I really wanted long term and what $$$ I had to spend now... I explained to her that I really wanted 200W but also wanted a 7.1 system. I then proceded to explain to her the 7100/770/and 755+(2)M200 scenarios... After the conversation she thought I should go with the 755 for my current setup and down the road when some money free's up I can then add the M200 for the remaining channels...

So, there is how I decided my delima... My wife... Gotta love her...

So, to make a long story short I ended up going with a 950/755/LFM-1 combo now and will later upgrade to a 7.1 system by purchasing the (2) M200 amplifiers...

But the biggest thing out of all this is I will never had to sit back and say... SHOULD I HAVE BOUGHT the 200W amplifier... And for me and knowing how I am, that is what I would have done...

Plus it also give me choices should I ever wanted to change my speakers...

Note: My theater is 14x24 and my Paradigm speakers have an efficiency of 90dB...
Outlaw (950/755/LFM-1)
Paradigm 11seMk3, CC-300, Titans
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