I went with the 770 because my speakers’ sensitivity is in the mid-eighties for one watt of power versus the average speaker, which hovers around ninety decibels for one watt. If you've read this forum widely, you’ve discovered that some of soundhound’s speakers are very efficient, in the mid-100’s per watt. That means that whatever sound pressure level soundhound can produce at about 1 watt in some frequencies, I need to pump about 100 watts into my speakers to listen to those frequencies at the same level.

In any case, because in general the Outlaw’s power ratings are solid and conservative, the 7100 is likely a great match for your speakers. Even if the 770 could easily pump a clean, continuous 200 watts to your speakers, would that be a good idea?

Usually the reason to lean in the direction of having amplifier power above that of the speakers’ ratings is to delivery sudden, sharp demands for power very cleanly, even if the power momentarily exceeds a speaker’s rating. I wouldn’t want to push a 50 watt per channel amplifier really hard trying to get thunderous volume out of 125 watt rated speakers because potential clipping and distortion can harm a loudspeaker and/or a passive crossover more quickly than momentary but cleanly delivered power exceeding your speakers rating from a large amp.

If you have money to spare, or a bad case of “watt lust fever,” the 770 is not likely to hurt your speakers unless you push the amp and speakers really hard for a sustained time. Otherwise, I doubt you’ll be disappointed with the 7100.

If you try the 7100 and feel that doubling the watts would help, you can always trade up to the 770 within the 30 day trial period. The 7100’s shipping would be your only trade-up cost that is lost in the long run. Check your speakers’ sensitivity before you make up your mind. I’m guessing that they are very near or above 90 db per watt.