again, you shouldnt assume my experience on anything. i didnt just jump into the market of audio equipment. i know about analog equipment. i also know where the path is taking us, and if you do not, then perhaps you shouldnt comment on something that YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT unless you need someone to tell you.

one must first narrow down the field of available products by reading reviews, specs, etc. before getting to the short list of products to audition. there are too many audio products to test them all out in your system at home. so it helps to quickly eliminate those that you can expect to suck, if after all they didnt suck, one would have noticed a trend somewhere that would have revealed the new quality of a product that say, Sony, just made. i dont have time or desire to buy every product capable of processing sound and tossing it into my system for evaluation, granted i cant say that the ones i didnt try are absolutely horrible, but by the mere fact that i passed them by in the first place, i know they are not as good.

i systematically evaluate the pros and cons of a product, read what other people are saying, read reviews, read specs, evaluate the manufacturer and their track record, then narrow it down to the selection of several that i could consider ACTUALLY purchasing. the 950 fell off the list of ACTUAL available purchases for many reasons, and for other reasons others did not. i got the 3805 for many reasons, knowing that i could have gotten a better product, even from denon, but weighing other factors like cost and why other products would be better decided that combined in my system the 3805 was the best bang for my buck. i almost bought a 5803, but even having been offered it at only twice the price of the 3805 turned it down because it is not twice as good as the 3805 and shouldnt be twice as much (utilizing seperate amps as i would have and do), plus i would have had to upgrade it, etc.

i have been lucky enough not to experience very many products by Sony; this is directly correlated by the process of which i eliminate them from possible purchases...


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