Not that it helps with your specific question, but ...

My philosophy on speaker purchasing:

I think choosing a particular set of loudspeakers ends up being both a ‘messy science’ and subjective, both in the establishing of goals and judging the results – not to mention the ‘B’ word: budget. Then there is your particular listening environment, as it is now and perhaps subject to change? I don’t think anyone here can say definitively, “such-and-such speakers are the best for you.” You, in your own listening environment, will have to be the judge.

Personally, I have an ‘engineering bent’ in my ‘philosophy of audio,’ so I try for accuracy and ‘clean.’ Depending on what someone may be used to, over- or under-emphasis of certain frequencies may sound either better or worse to them. Just one example of many: removing large amplitude low frequencies from full-range speakers, and reproducing those frequencies from one or more subwoofers instead, may remove a fair amount of inter-modulation distortion from the full-range loudspeakers and thus remove an illusion of good bass one may be used to hearing. In such situations, I do my best to analyze for accuracy and then it is my ear-brain connection which goes through a ‘breaking in’ period, not so much the equipment or even cables as some claim. I become accustom to the new sound, which may seem to miss certain things I was used to hearing, but which is actually better. After this personal psycho-acoustic adjustment period, I can still recognize the changes, especially when hearing other systems that may still have the problems I worked to eliminate from my system. But I digress …

Even though some effort is involved, best to try loudspeakers that are within your budget in your own environment. That will limit you to those that can be taken or sent back if they don’t meet your requirements. Suppose your tastes are too rich for your current budget? You could build in phases. Think about the final configuration and then progressively assemble the pieces over time. Do research for the best main left, right and center speakers to try. After some auditioning, perhaps buy only the left and right to start, then later purchase the center and surround speakers in succession. If building the system piecemeal, be certain the matching center and other pieces are not about to go out of production!

Don’t stress too much … enjoy the process on the way to good results.