Originally posted by AKamp:
..It seems to have cooled down abit, or maybe my hands have developed callus's from touching it so frequently.

..I must say though the customer service from outlaw is the best I have ever dealt with. I called them this morning about the 950 and received an email about 2 hours later saying a new one is in the mail.

I too just got the 950/7100 combo yesterday, and noticed that the 7100 was getting very hot. Mind, that I was running it through a pace, but it was too hot for my comfort. I too was getting calluses on my hand from keep touching the top of the amp. I have good cleanances on the front, sides, back and the top of the amp.

It's also *very* comforting to know that their customer service is the very top notch.

I like my Outlaws.

[This message has been edited by BleakShore (edited September 19, 2003).]