I've got these questions sent to support, but this might be faster...

I'm considering using an M-200 to power a subwoofer (4 ohm VMPS Larger). Anyone know where the -3db points are on tne frequency response for these amps? Anyone know of any problems driving them down to 10Hz?

Anyone know if it's possible to take two of these and strap them in parallel?

People have mentioned transformer hum. I plan to give this thing a dedicated 20A line, which ought to be more than it will ever eat; but the same subpanel is supporting several other high current amps, and a 2400W dimmer. If they are prone to hum I need to know that - I get real grumpy if I can hear hum. (I'm selling off an Earthquake Supernova sub because the blasted transformer isn't silent.)

How's reliability under load? One thing I use a subwoofer for is acoustic tests - blasting a room with 110db at 30, 50 and 70Hz for many minutes at a time. Any issues?

How long is the warranty?
