Originally posted by RVJII:
Yeah, on the Polk forum they tell me that I can't run those RTi12's with only 110 per. I'm still confused on that since I have been doing so for over a month and my neighbor has already complained twice...

I guess that I just like the idea of getting a really hefty amp like Outlaw makes (looked at Adcom as well). Plus I'm guessing that things sound good now they'll sound even better with an amp that isn't straining and has plenty of headroom.

I don't know...do you think that 200 to each of the fronts in a non bi-amp configuration would be enough? Then I could just go with 2 M-Blocks. Or should I go for broke and get the 755, sending 400 to the mains and 200 to the center?

Thanks for your help guys. I feel like I already may have made one mistake with the Onkyo and don't want to repeat it.

I would suggest that you buy a pair of m-blocks and try them alone to power the Polk's. Unless your room is really large or really dead, they shoud have plenty of power. I haven't done measurements but they drove a pair of old pair of Polk SDA 1-c's as well as my old Adcom GFA-565's which were beasts in size compared to the m-blocks. From my experience, they appear to have good reserve power.

[This message has been edited by morphsci (edited December 12, 2003).]