I do not own the same compliment of equipment that you do, but I would say that you have a better than 90% chance that the m-200's are compatable. Remember, you are not gambling much because the Outlaws give you a 30-day trial period in which you may return the 200's if you do not like the results. If you haven't yet, take a good look and a careful read of the M200 manual elsewhere on this web site.
http://pdf.outlawaudio.com/outlaw/docs/200manual.pdf Most people, unless they end up buying used equipment or something costing much more new, like and keep their Outlaw products.
Also, the amplification built into a receiver for speaker outputs should continue to operate for either all channels, or at the very least, operate for any channel where the pre-outs remain in the original/default configuration. Adding external amplification to the L & R main pre-outs should not, in and of itself, disrupt the operation of any channel where the pre-amp signal path remains uniterrupted.
If you wish to disable amplification for certain channels, you may, on some receivers, be able to remove jumpers or make switch/menu selections to do so.