I am one happy Outlaw! Happy/thrilled doesn't even come close to describing how I feel right now!!!

I was initially scared my pair of 200's wouldn't show today, but around 11:30am, I looked out into the breezeway and there they were! The boxes arrived in great shape so I felt relieved the second I saw them.

I'm using my Elite receiver as the pre-amp, that is until my friend has the cash to buy my receiver, which then lets me buy the 950 and the 755!

I removed them from their box to see if they arrived uneven/crooked..they were perfectly flat

2 things I must mention...

#1. These babies really made my DefTech BP30's open up! I feel I could use even more power so down the road I might bi-amp them. The bass got tighter and everything overall is more pronounced with the additional power driving them.

#2. I was running them at reference levels for about 45 minutes. My poor receiver gets very very warm...the 200? Cold to the touch...and I do mean cold. I have 4 inches of space above the top one so I figured I'd check the bottom one. Cold....still cold. Its been about 3 hours of listening now (45 minutes of that being very very loud) and there is still no heat coming from them.

I don't know how you guys did it but this is truly an amazing amplifier! It runs cold, and theres no noise whatsoever. And it's got plenty of reserve power when you need it

I'm sure the mating of these with the 950 will make this even sweeter, I can't wait! I have posted a few links that are of the unveiling of the 200's

I love being an Outlaw! Oh, and the PCA's kick ass as well! Happy Listening!


Play it LoUd!!

[This message has been edited by SpOoNmAn (edited February 28, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by SpOoNmAn (edited March 11, 2003).]
Play it LoUd!!
