Gee, maybe I should change my handle to "chicken little". After all, from the responses, you must think I unpacked my M-200's, placed them on the first piece of damp plywood I found and pronounced that the sky is falling.

FYI, I recieved 5 M-200's, four wobbled to varying degrees, and in different directions (three from front right to rear left, and one from front left to rear right). I tried all four on my desk a work, my kitchen countertops, and a butcher-block style workbench in the garage. I even carried one to my mother's house and tried it on a glass dining table. Guess what? they wobbled.

I then tried various washers under the feet but became frustrated. I emailed the Outlaw's for help and Scott suggested a particular washer size that they had luck with. A day later, Scott emailed me with the fix that I detailed above. I tried it, and it fixed all four of the offending units. I then searched the entire forum as well as the Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting page of the website to see if the fix had already been posted. Then, and only then, did I post the fix to help those who have the wobble.

Ya don't have to be an electrical engineer to tell if somethig wobbles, and four out of five of my units wobbled.