LOL. I think this is pretty funny.I received the entire outlaw news letter on 11/19/2002 except for one slightly important paragraph that I found posted here.This one:"Looking at the postings in the Saloon, it is obvious that we've created a great deal of interest in the Model 200. Now that the contest is over, we are able to provide the product details. We know that the Outlaw community is at the top of their game, and as you'll see a number of you hit the answer right on the mark, or were awfully close. In brief, the Model 200 is a 200 watt mono-block amplifier (20 Hz - 20 kHz @ 8 ohms, >0.05% THD). Even more amazing, it is only one rack unit high! We are in the process of updating our web site to add the Model 200 and you will be able to learn more over the next several days by visiting us at
So when I got to the paragraph that started with the line "Now that you know what the M-200 is" I was ready to pull my hair out. I found it funny because I thought it was a joke by the staff until I came to the forum and read the missing paragraph.Ha Ha kidding the Kid . I like that. Good luck Outlaws. Sounds like you have another winner.Billy