About the only things left to try are to try to plug something else directly into your sub, such as the line outs of your CD player and see if you still get the buzz. If you try this, make sure that the CD player is truly freestanding and not connected to anything else. If there is no buzz, then the finger points back to the 950/interaction with sub.

You might also try running a single strand of wire from the chassis (under a screw head that holds on the lid) of the 950 to the chassis of the sub (something metal). This would tell you if it is a ground loop or not. Try to lift the line connections while you're at it and see if the buzz changes.

One last thing to check is if the metal of the 950 chassis is touching the metal chassis of one of the other components, maybe through some metal in your equipment rack.

Beyond that, you are running out of options. If your lights are off, then they would not give out any interferrence. There also might be something else in your house that is injecting crap into the AC line. Refridgeratiors, washers etc can do this. If you have any X-10 modules, these can also be the culprit.

You might also try plugging the LFE output of the 950 into some other amplifier channel and see if it still buzzes. There is the possibility that the 950's LFE output may be defective, maybe a bad solder connection at the ground of the output jack or something like that.

If all this fails, it's got to be demons, for which I can offer no advise

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited December 16, 2002).]