I get where you're coming from better now . I know how it goes when you have to explain your budget, then that budget gets stretched smile

You are right on about the speaker industry. They now call us "old school " for liking a "regular" full faced speaker. These skinny and deep speakers ..... I'll never get used to them . There are still a some of the full face makers left , but no many. One site I saw recently was a small builder called Human Speakers http://www.humanspeakers.com/human/index.html, he makes speakers and sells kits for them too. Buy or make you own cabinet . He used to work for Epicure/Genesis , so if that rings a bell you can call yourself "old school" . LOL smile His stuff costs more than your budget, but I'm just sharing it to show there are some such craftsmen left. He sells some refurbished old EPI models too http://www.humanspeakers.com/specials.htm. Check out the EPI 201,the specs are the original, not updated . Now they have his new drivers in them which are much better. I bet it rocks with two 8" woofers.

Another cool idea (to me, at least), is a speaker call the Silent Speaker http://www.directacoustics.com/home.htm
If I was ever to consider another speaker, I'd give these a try because I like non-traditional designs like these. Read the review , it sounds great ...... but who knows until you get them home. Don't let the odd specs fool you though. I think the guy runs a one man operation . This may not be for you either, but it is something I've come across that someone may be interested in . There's more to speakers than just a box and a set drivers ! Soundstage .... imaging .... etc . There is nothing like a speaker with no specific sweet spot .... it's everywhere. It reminds me of how much I like the recordings from the 50's 60's and 70's , when they actually had different instruments in separate channels.... it was like being in the studio . Another lost art .

Happy hunting for whatever you choose though. Yep, patience usually always pays off . Glad you got rid of the poor sub and choosing something else.