Radio ? What's that ? wink

But seriously.. The last time I heard something worth listening to (besides Opie and Anthony) on the radio, must have been back in the late 70's, riding in my aunt's or grandparent's car. Aah.. the 70's.. good stuff.

Today's commercial music is just garbage IMO. And even though the occasional NPR show is good, I can get NPR online, as well as the 2 classical stations we have here, as well as the two jazz stations. The reception/fidelity for said stations isn't so great anyway, so really not worth it for me.

What's sad is that you'd think NYC would have some really good music stations. Instead, all they do is constantly change the station's formats, and never for the better IMO. I dunno, anything that has to follow the standard formats isn't worth anything anyway. There are no real "DJ"'s anymore. All they are is a bunch of playlist robots with horribly fake personalities and no control over what is on the air.

I would rather there not have been a tuner at all, to be honest. besides, I can get FM on my Mp3 player (iRiver IHP) and then attach it to the Outlaw. It gets very decent reception.