I've a question for you Vinyl people out there. A technical question in fact.

So I decided to take the Rega P2 (with its beautiful glass platter) out of the closet, out of its box, and put it next to my other audio stuff. This "stuff" though, is something I'm hoping to replace sooner than later, with the 2150, and the NAD C521BEE CD player which is STILL in its box, in the closet. (Using DVD player for now)

Quandary: I want to test the TT before I get the Outlaw, because well... it's just sitting there looking all pretty, and I would like to get the hang of using it before I get the 2150 so that I can be prepared for a serious evaluation !

Problem: I did just recently attach the stylus (Rega Ely's) but the last time I touched a TT, it was a fully automatic, and I didn't have to make any adjustments, let alone put the stylus on or anything...

Question: Where can I get good info on adjusting tracking force (how to do it) and other little things like that ? The P2 came with a piece of paper which is supposed to be used to align things, but I don't know where it went (probably amongst many papers in a box), and wonder if there might be some alternative way to get this rolling ?

I'd like to keep this relatively simple/hassle free if possible, but would also like to get the most out of the TT, so I'll do what I must at the end of the day.

Tips, tricks, suggestions, opinions ?

Edit: I may actually have found a solution which answers my own questions:

Basic TT setup kit

Does anyone here have any experience with the compilation of tools in this kit ? And if so, what would you say about each one ? I can probably save money on a couple things like the leveler, since they're available @ any local hardware shop, and the cleaning products I figure that I could get later if the ones in the kit aren't worth getting in the first place. Thoughts on that ? Thanks ...