First, the phono section of the rr2150 is a real revelation. LPs sound just gorgeous. When you check the specs for the phono section on most receivers and amps, the numbers, especially S/N, are generally lower than those for the other inputs. Not so with the rr2150. Hopefully, this is not just an omission ;-)

I have a 29 year old Technics SLD2 with a Grado Green cartridge on it; hardly audiophilia, but it sounds great. There is also the whole ritual of vinyl that just makes listening more participatory.

Regarding the "loudness" links, they are both interesting and a bit demoralizing. Just another example of the corporate mentality of reaching for the lowest common denominator.

I have been archiving my vinyl to CD and WMA/FLAC, recording first with a CD Recorder, then moving it to the computer for cleaning and gain normalizing before burning to CD and converting. Friends have commented on the sound quality of my home-brewed CDs, and now I know why.

Lastly, this youtube video: How & Why They Still Manufacture Vinyl LPs!