You're right Bug...

Michael Fremer is full of shit and knows nothing about audio. He wouldn't know a quality piece of gear if it fell on him...or maybe not...

"...Give a listen to this $599 receiver. You'll be in for a big surprise—especially if you have megabuck electronics. If this was sold through the usual channels instead of exclusively online, it would cost twice as much and still be worth every cent..."

"... This little receiver delivered the deep bass on that gut-punishing record far more effectively than I could have imagined it would. The extension and punch were there, and while the control wasn't quite up there with my $23,000/pair, 1kWpc reference Musical Fidelity monoblocks, the RR2150 didn't embarrass itself..."

- Michael Fremer, Mar 06

"...The Outlaw RR2150 exceeded its 100Wpc specification by 1dB, delivering no less than 125W into 8 ohms (21dBW) at clipping, defined as 1% THD (fig.6). It gave 190W into 4 ohms (19.8dB), this 0.8dB higher than the specified 160W, and even managed 310W into 2 ohms with one channel driven (18.9dBW). That this $600 receiver managed to survive this high-power testing without blowing fuses or anything breaking is high praise. The RR2150 is a powerhouse!..."

- John Atkinson, Mar 06

(The above two quotations are cited below)