
As most people know, I rarely surface in the saloon. However, I have been reading your posts for the last few weeks and to say the least, I am astounded by your comments.

Let me begin by saying that I know a lot about NAD. I actually started the company here in the US and ran it for thirteen years. During my tenure, I was responsible for overseeing the development of over 120 products, including integrated amplifiers,preamps, power amps, receivers, tuners, and a few cassette decks and cd players thrown in for good measure. The C72020BEE (Named for my friend and colleague Bjorn Erik Edvardson) is indeed a fine unit, as is all of the NAD gear. NAD is truly a great company.

Those of us alumni who were at NAD in those early days embraced a certain philosophy about product design, especially amplifiers-conservatively rating power, ample headroom, the ability to drive low impedance loads without current limiting and many other elements of good solid engineering. We have all carried on these design to the other companies we work for.

For the record, I can now tell you that in the development of the 2150 there were, including myself, four NAD alumni involved in the development, testing, and validation of all the circuits.

We know what the 2150 is capable of and we are here to say that it is under-specked, period. The power easily SURPASSES 100 watts into 8 ohms and delivers substantially more power into 4 ohms and lower. If you doubt that, please refer to the latest issue of Home Theater Magazine for their own measurements. They will verify everything I have just stated. Your claim about the 50 watt NAD having more power has no basis in fact-- only in your opinion. Also, your comments about low subwoofer output are not consistent with anything we have seen on ANY 2150.

On our side, we are more than willing to take a look at your 2150 to determine if something is defective or has failed, and you are aware of that.

You have complained about this product in several posts, obviously expressing your great disappointment. Yet within your evaluation period, (which is still active), you have chosen not to return the unit. Your decision, to say the least, is puzzling to us.

However, without our taking a look at your unit to see if anything is wrong, please do not insult our intelligence and that of multitudes of very happy customers (and several well known reviewers) by making claims that are wrong and misleading. If you doubt what we say, please visit your favorite local dealer and ask him to put your 2150 on the test bench. Ask him to test it at 8 ohms, 4 ohms and even 2 ohms. Also, please ask him to measure the voltage-out on the subwoofer jack. Then please ask the dealer to call Scott directly on our toll free number with the test results.

If you prefer the sound of the NAD, we have no problem with your opinion. That is what makes this industry so interesting. That notwithstanding, your claims on inadequate power or low subwoofer output have no merit until verified by us or a qualified technician.

Sincerely yours,
Peter Tribeman
Outlaw Audio