In response to my own thread title: Count me in ! My wonderful wife, just got off of the phone with Steve from Outlaw just a short while ago, and he set the whole thing in motion for us. (Well, me) Thanks to Scott for expediting the order, and for noting the situation with the credit card, it's much appreciated here sir.
My wife commented to me about how helpful, nice and funny the Outlaws were, and I also got to see some of that as she was laughing while talking to Steve. Thanks for easing her in to the audio purchase man, buttering up always helps relieve that apprehension, though I'm sure, VERY sure, that she'll more than appreciate the new system once she hears it in action !
According to Steve, it should take "over 2 weeks" for it to arrive, so I'm not going to expect it anytime soon, but I'm very much looking foward to its arrival in any case. Thanks again guys. Time to buy new speaker cable and interconnects now.