Hi folks, new poster (child) here. I have been on the fence about this new product for sometime now. I was going to buy a 1050, but alas the production ended and my home theater halted due to a new house. Oh well, good things will come....

As for now, I am investing in my living room which houses 2 nice BA Speakers and a velo 10. I have bought and returned several A/V receivers ranging from KLH to Onkyo with dissapointments in quality and sound from each. I am basically holding my carkeys in my hand ready to finally just buy the Marantz I have eyed forever, but the 1050 still haunts. All I really need is a 2 channel with sub out. The 2150 will do that, but is it worth waiting for since I have not ever used/heard outlaw before; and is it worth the $200 over the $400 marantz that will also suit for my HT when the time comes? $600 for a stereo reciever seems to answer that question way to quickly. Give me a reason why I should just continue to save?