Well, got the 770 Amp yesterday, got everything hook up to the 990. Worked fine...for about an hour. Listening at a lower than normal volume and heard 3 loud "POPS" coming from the left surround. That channel is gone because I used another channel to check that it wasn't the speaker. Hopefully, it didn't do any permanent damage to the speaker. All in all, when I had to leave a message on the ansering service that I probably won't get a response until Monday, I am not at all happy. Next I get to lug that heavy back upstairs that nearly killed me getting down. Sorry for the venting!
Mitsubishi 55" CRT
Outlaw 990 Pre/Pro
Outlaw 770 Amp
Adcom GFA 6000 Amp
Marantz DV6400 DVD
Toshiba HD-A35 HD DVD
Monster HTS 5100
Monitor Audio S10
Monitor Audio LCR
Monitor Audio RSFX
Monitor Audio S1
Monitor Audio RS12 Sub
Buttkicker LFE