Originally posted by audvid:
I read through the thread at Axiom and I can understand his frustration.

But the thing I found most interesting was his comment concerning performance. He said in his post "I do want to make it clear that I was very impessed with the 950/770 combo"

He then replaced the 950/770 system with a Parasound Halo system that costs at least 5 times as much as the Outlaw system. To me, that's quite a statement to the performance of the Outlaw equipment.
The Parasound equipment is reported to sound somewhat better than the Outlaw equipment but, he did have to shell out a lot more and blow his budget, though he was able to afford it. The Halos are also beautifully finished which is factored into the cost. There are better amplifiers out there than the Outlaws but few if any come close to the quality to price ratio (extreme value IMO). cool laugh

The bottom line is that he had a very power hungry requirement that the Outlaw multichannel amp could not handle. That being said, the Parasound multichannel amp could not handle it either and had the same overheating issue. No, it was not a problem with the speakers. He had to go with a setup somewhat closer to monoblocks to take care of the heat issue. If he had the Outlaw monoblocks and installed them with enough clearance to allow for adequate natural convective (or preferably forced air cooling), he would likely not have had a problem.

I don't, nor likely will ever, have a room the size he did to fill with that much power. In fact most people will likely not have more than 1500-3000 sq ft of space at most for their home theaters and should have absolutely no problems with the Outlaw amps.

My modest room will be approximately 265 sq ft and when it is done, I will either get the 125W or 200 W per channel Outlaw amp knowing that either choice will not give me any trouble.

In reading both threads, there was no clear description of the problem, solution or outcome and it could cause concern to potential buyers of either product. I realize now it was simply a matter of a very unique installation requirement. Buyers can rest assured that a combination of Axiom M80s and Outlaw amps will work when set up correctly for the particular installation. wink
Home Theater in design mode...
