Unfortunately, there's almost always more to a story than what can be realized when reading through a person's posts. Please understand that it would be unreasonable and unwise to simply swap a unit out every time someone complained of an issue without properly pursuing likely causes. The reality with electronics is that there are many variables and factors that can be the culprit in a particular issue. That said, we are able to remedy more than 95% of our technical calls without having to swap a product out. This means that an hour or two of actual troubleshooting, often saves the customer days and weeks of aggravation only to find that the new product is experiencing the same issue. Look around here at our customer service record, I am confident you will see that it speaks for itself.
As for this specific instance, we are looking at the chain of events to ensure that the best decisions were made at each step along the way. While it may be too late to resolve this issue for this gentleman, we will certainly use these events as a means to examine our troubleshooting procedures and overall customer service model so that we may continue to improve and provide the absolute best customer service in the industry.