Unfortunately, if you don't want to spend a fortune (as you put it), you aren't going to be able to find a truly full-range speaker. Full-range speakers are very uncommon, and usually quite expensive. Heck, my Aerial 10Ts go down to 28 hz or so, and I still use a subwoofer with them.

These days, there is a lot more bass content available in movies because of Dolby Digital and DTS. Inexpensive speakers of yesteryear simply will not be able to cut it without a subwoofer.

So you have a few options, really: You can get speakers that go as deep as you can get with your budget and then set the crossover so that they don't get bass below their capability; you can get those speakers, run them full-range, and then rush to turn the volume knob down if they start to distort; or you can get decent speakers and a decent subwoofer and go full-range.

Let me know which option is the most appealing to you, and I can make further suggestions from there.
