Originally posted by D'Arbignal:
Hmmm. I think I'd be happier with my system the way it works. I like how everything turns on and off with my pre-amp: neat and clean, and always on when I need it; never on, when I don't.
But am I missing some advantage here? I can't see any particular advantage to that way (except ease of setup) over what I'm doing. Is there one?
I think I'm going to make 2 longer trigger plugs for my 200's... I also like the on when I want it thing also....
According to the manuals, the 200's trigger requires 4ma and the 755 requires possibly 7ma or something.... the 950 supplies up to 50ma so even with all of them connected, that's only 15ma so I think I should be fine....
In your case with possibly 7 200's that should be safe also only 28ma....
[This message has been edited by Unferth (edited March 12, 2003).]