[QUOTE]Originally posted by gonk:
[QB] You want to put the switch into the "ON" position, set the BDP-83's speakers to "large", set the BDP-83's subwoofer to "on", and set the BDP-83's downmix to "5.1CH". Once you've done that, you can press the "6CH" button on the 950's remote to select the multichannel analog input.
Just for clarification in case people are still checking this thread. this is exactly how I have my Sony 550 set up. I recently purchased the Oppo BD83 and will continue with this set up. But my question is when I purchase the 997 for my final upgrade and I use the 997's HDMI connection for audio/video I should reset my speakers to small since the digital connection takes care of the bass management, correct? That is the way I used to have my system set up when using the coaxial connection on the 950. Thanks for any reply and yes, I still love the 950 but things do change.