Yep, I figured that question was next. smile

Here's what I do -- coming out of the DCX2496 and into my Outlaw 7100 amp, I simply pass the output signal through a voltage divider to cut 18 dB off the output signal. Cost about $10 in resistors from RatShack.

Going into the DCX2496, the signals that it sees are boosted 18 dB above all the others, using the Outlaw 950 trim controls. Piece of cake.

I read all those complaints about the DCX2496 as well, and they're greatly exaggerated. However, you can still give yourself additional headroom through simple gain structure tricks like this at virtualy no cost.

I've done extensive listening tests -- my favorite is to play a mono source, one channel through the DCX and the other without as a "control" -- and as far as I can tell the Behringer is completely transparent. Certainly good enough for price! Even at very low signal levels, I doubt you'll actually hear any artifacts due to pro vs. consumer level signal.