I was going to use one of the Behringer units, the gurus at HTGuide think pretty highly of the quality of their new line. These have a separate mono sub out, but I don't want it on all the time, plus if reroutes everything below its XO away from the low output, which I don't want to do as those are my subs.

So, yeah, it may not work the way I want. What I was hoping for was that setting sub to off re-routed all bass to the mains, BUT did not disable the LFE only track from still coming out the .1 pre-out, since they would assume nothing was hooked to it anyway. Sort of like switching the analog 5.1 switch to off doesn't route the bass away from that output.

Since the processing is all done digitally though, I guess that topology does not apply.

Probably what I was hoping to end up settling for was material coming into the analog ins (my SACD deck) would perform as I want since i don't use the transducer with that material. Where I won't get what I want is when I listen to DVD-based material other than movies, like concert video's, and the DVD-V surround layer of a couple of DVD-A disks I have, like the Beatles' new Love album. Since this is a pretty small amount of my listening, it would be OK.

Guess I'll live wih mono bass and rethink my XO point between the mains and the subs.

Unless you come up with a bright idea. smile
