MCH: Perhaps your brother has a defective unit. It's worth checking out. I saw the "geocities watts-report" as well, but my 7200 has plenty of volume with ample headroom to spare. There's no denying that the 1050 has plenty of power and "oomph". For sheer power, it probably outpowers anything in it's class, and no doubt a couple price levels higher. It's been said in this forum that the Marantz sound is clean but a bit more laid back, where the 1050 offers a bit more up front in-your-face punch, and I agree. It's a matter of preference though. There are so many variables. My living room is approx 20 x 30 with an 8 foot ceiling and quite a bit of wood. I have six AAD E-30 satellites and one AAD E-8 sub. A very compatible set-up. The 7200 learning remote is nice, and Prologic II works for my uses. If I did more DVD viewing (then PLII is irrelevant) the 1050 is great. Good power, good sound, good price, and easy to use. Enjoy!

[This message has been edited by Mayor D (edited November 15, 2002).]